Intelligent Systems of Perception (SIP)

Intelligent Systems of Perception (SIP)

Head: Camille KURTZ
Group webpage

The SIP (Systèmes Intelligents de Perception) team, founded in 1990 by Pr Georges Stamon, is affiliated with the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Descartes (LIPADE) and located at the UFR Mathématiques et Informatique from Université Paris Descartes (Sorbonne Paris Cité).

The team develops a priority axis on image analysis and interpretation with a specific focus on visual perception for computer. The main contributions of our team consist in developing new algorithms and methods to process and analyse complex images (multi-source image segmentation, 3D image reconstruction, image fusion, spatial relations, sparse methods, semantic image indexation and retrieval, object recognition, geometric image representation).

The SIP team is leading a Master degree in Computer Sciences of the Université Paris Descartes, established in 2005, and is particularly involved in a Major on imaging sciences and plurimedia (Master IP).

We address the structural models (graph or pixel grid) as well as the statistical models (distributions) by attaching us to integrate external knowledge to the image analysis workflow (complementary textual information and high-level expert knowledge for example). In the context of image mining, recognition of complex shapes, feature indexing and selection can characterize our research activities. The goal is to develop methods from pattern recognition, image analysis and artificial intelligence theory to provide functional and original solutions to different problems related to visual perception.

