Security and Optimization of Communications and Systems (SOCS)
Group webpage
The SOCS team conducts both foundational and applied research in the fields of communications and networking, focusing on developing innovative protocols and algorithms aimed at security enhancements and effective network resource management and optimization. Its members work to develop solutions that respond to the increasing demands for robust and efficient communication within evolving and interconnected environments, particularly as the scale and complexity of networked systems continue to grow.
Combining theoretical insights with real-world applications, the team tackles pressing challenges such as resource allocation, performance optimization, security, and privacy. Drawing on techniques from combinatorial optimization, machine learning, and distributed algorithms, its members apply their work across a variety of high-impact domains, including multimedia systems, smart cities, vehicular/drone networks, autonomous networks, software-defined networks, e-health systems, and real-time communication platforms. The team’s overarching aim is to push the boundaries of efficiency, reliability, security, and privacy in complex and interconnected systems, ultimately driving advancements in secure, optimized, and resilient communication infrastructures.